A typical worship service begins with an opening song. This is to let everyone know we’re starting. After this, Pastor Chad, or another pastor, will welcome you. We usually engage in a form of liturgy by saying aloud, “Christ has come. Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.”
Next comes the Call to Worship. A preselected person will read Scripture as a means to help us focus on Jesus.
Then we’ll sing 3-4 songs of praise and worship. During the first song, people will have an opportunity to worship God through the giving of tithes and offerings.
The next part is often flexible. After the songs, the pastor will sometimes pray or give opportunity for testimonies or gather people to pray for specific needs.
Next is the sermon. Pastor Chad, or a guest speaker, will provide 25-35 minutes of biblical teaching.
We typically end no later than 12pm.
The first Sunday of every month we include a children’s moment. We call all children to the stage for a special lesson just for them.
The last Sunday of every month we celebrate Communion (Eucharist).